THE ANSWER: Probably
a Boston and Sandwich Blue Poinsettia on Latticinio Ground, Lutz rose center,
c1869. Special thanks to Jerry Gard for this picture.
Why probably? This is a good example of how difficult
it is to be sure. It could be a New England Glass Company Poinsettia.
You could argue the case either way:
Lutz Rose center: Always associated with Boston
& Sandwich
Leaves: Sandwich type, NEGC leaves are different
Latticinio: Almost always NEGC. There are very few
examples (if any) of Sandwich weights which use latticinio
Flower petals: Could be labeled either way, but
some writers say the shape of the petals and the arrangement is NEGC
So, what do you think? Write to me at:
and tell me your opinion.
Two good references on this subject are:
Both are available for sale. Check
out my book list.
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