The Art of the Paperweight
- Boston & Sandwich and New England Glass Companies
by John D. Hawley
In writing this book, John Hawley filled a void in
the available paperweight literature. Focusing on the glass paperweights
produced between 1850 and 1887 by these two great New England glasshouses,
this book provides a history of the glasshouses and includes informative
sections on identification. It is full of wonderful pictures
and is a must have book for the collector of antique American paperweights.
224 pages with 400 full color photographs.
Hard bound. 8 1/4" by 10 1/2". 1997.
Chapters are:
An Evolving Industry
The Principle Players (Jarves, Leighton, Lutz, and others)
The Factories (The New England Glass and Boston &
Sandwich Glass Companies)
The Influence of the Era
Basic Paperweight Characteristics
Millefiori Canes
Fruit and Fauna
Millefiori Designs
Click on the picture to see a color plate from the book.