Paperweights - Historicism
- Art Nouveau - Art Deco 1842 to today
Especially the post-classic
Folk Art Paperweights from Bohemia, Germany, and other European Countries
by Peter von Brackel
By writing this book, Peter von Brackel filled a void
in the available paperweight literature that most collectors didn't realize
existed. The book includes a survey of paperweights produced from
1842 to the present and then focuses more closely on the post-classic folk
art glass paperweights produced in Europe between 1870 and 1940.
It contains much previously undocumented material about
the output of a number of glass houses and glass producing regions.
Examples are included from Bohemia / Czechoslovakia , Silesia, Thuringia
/ Saxony, the Bavarian Forest, the "Solling" mountains, other German regions,
Austria, Hungary / Romania, Northern Europe, Belgium, France, and Russia.
There are sections full of drawings illustrating the
profiles of these paperweights and the patterns used for beveling the weights.
There is also a section illustrating the methods used to make these weights.
It is full of wonderful pictures and is a must have
book for any serious collector of glass paperweights.
320 pages with 639 color pictures of 720 paperweights.
131 drawn illustrations.
Hard bound. 8 1/2" by 11 1/4". 1999.
Chapters are:
What Are Paperweights?
Time Classification and the Origin of Paperweights
The assortment of paperweights, especially of the post-classic
ones, according to their motifs
Pictorial and Verbal Description of Post-Classic Paperweights
Souvenir and Advertisement Paperweights
English "Bottleweights"
The Most Typical Exterior Shapes of Post-Classic Paperweights
including the Cut Forms and Cut Types
Making Examples of Typical Post-Classic Paperweights
Name Index and List of Places
Appendix I: Historical Overview of the Glassworks
around Namur and Liege
Appendix II: Value Index of the Depicted Paperweights
Click on the picture to see a color plate from the book.