Glass Paperweights of the
Bergstrom-Mahler Museum
with introduction & sections
by Geraldine Casper
This is the third book to attempt to cover the extensive
Bergstrom collection. There are over 1200 paperweights shown
in color and more in black and white. A great reference covering
a wide range of paperweights from the very common to the very rare.
Each of the primary plates has anywhere from six to
twelve photos, each with at least one paperweight. Each plate
is accompanied by a page of text with a paragraph devoted to each paperweight.
The pages are unnumbered, but there are approximately
275 pages. 106 color plus many black and white plates.
Hard bound. 9" by 11 1/4". 1989.
Chapters are:
Introduction (by Casper)
Cameo Incrustations (by Casper)
Essays by T.H. Clarke
Glossary (illustrated)
Numerical Index
Click on the picture to see a color plate from the book.